How to use KETTLEBELLS for training out of the water

This small piece of Russian equipment can help you achieve great results. How to train with kettlebells in the water.

Kettlebells are small pieces of gym equipment that have a handle and are made from iron. They are essentially a sphere with weight. A kettlebell was first used in Russia in the 18th century, both “officially” and “unofficially,” as a counterbalance to facilitate trading but also for strength competitions among merchants and traders.

This training equipment is becoming more popular because it isn’t too expensive, bulky, or difficult to use. It is also highly versatile.

This equipment’s weights and sizes range from 2 kg to 40 kg. You can select the appropriate weight for your strength level.

Kettlebells can improve your fitness as a swimmer by improving your strength and power. Weights are great for developing core stability, but you must remember that good posture is essential when working with them. These weights will strengthen your shoulders and prevent them from becoming injured. This is a common problem among swimmers.

Here are four simple exercises that you can do with kettlebells.


It is a beneficial exercise for swimmers. All your muscles are needed especially your glutes and abs. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab the kettlebell in both hands or with one hand and swing it from between your knees to your head while keeping your arms straight and your back extended. During the final part, most of your thrust should come from the legs, hips, and back.

Each arm should be able to perform 3-4 sets with 12 or 8 repetitions. Between groups, allow 1’/1’30”.


You must use your entire posterior chain to perform the “windmill.” Lift the kettlebell with one arm, starting with your legs shoulder-width apart. The kettlebell should align with your hips as if your body were an extension. Lower your upper body forward and sideways while keeping your eyes on the kettlebell. You can do 2-4 sets, 6-8 reps per side. Between groups, allow 1’/1’30”.


Squat until your opposite hand can touch the ground. This is similar to the previous exercise but you must ensure your eyes are on the kettlebell. Your shoulder muscles have to work harder to maintain the weight of the kettlebell when you perform these exercises with the kettlebell raised above your head.

Push-up to Row

You can use kettlebells to work your upper body, focusing on your chest and back. Your abs will also be engaged. Push-ups can be done with the weight of the kettlebells resting on their handles (you could also use dumbbells, but kettlebells are easier to push up with because they have flat bottoms). Lift the kettlebells up (one at a time) from the floor and towards your chest in a rowing/pulling motion. Keep your body straight by using your core strength.

These four exercises can be combined to form a circuit. Start with 15 seconds per exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Then gradually increase the duration of each course.

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